
Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Lesson From The Shawshank Redemption in Employment Bliss

If you love the work you do, enjoy the conditions and people you work with, and earn an income that allows you to live a fulfilling life, you are a blessed person. Finding the right combination of passion, fulfillment, and earnings is possible, but eludes many of us for a variety of reasons. If you dread the thought of your workplace (even if you were earning a reasonable living) is your workplace much different from a corrections institution from which escape seems unattainable? It can be discouraging when faced with obstacles that keep us from finding that magic work combination, but for as many obstacles we face, there are as many solutions. Taking proactive and regular action toward your dream job can get you there.
In the movie "The Shawshank Redemption", Andy Defresne is a prisoner who was at the edge of a deep depression when he was faced with the reality of spending the rest of his life in conditions he found unbearable. While his best friend Red, and fellow prisoners, had given up on the thought of leaving, Andy made a choice to find a way out. It seemed like an impossible task, but eventually Andy did escape by tunneling out of his cell toward freedom. He didn't accomplish this all at once, but by taking one pocketful of dirt out of his cell each day and quietly dumping it outside, he eventually created a tunnel to freedom.
Do you look forward to getting up and going to work, or are you dreading it?
"In the main it will be found that a power over a man's support (salary) is a power over his will" - Alexander Hamilton quote.

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